Thursday, October 28, 2010

Best Books 2010 Awards, USA Book News

I found out Tuesday that my novel, South Pacific Survivor: In Samoa, is an Award-Winning Finalist in the Multicultural Fiction category of the Best Books 2010 Awards, sponsored by USA Book News.
Didn't win 1st place, but I am happy. See? -->   :)

Also, one year ago Tuesday, a tsunami destroyed land and lives in Samoa, where Survivor Samoa and Survivor Heroes vs. Villains were filmed. Hundreds were made homeless, many killed. Season 20 had just completed filming when it hit. Survivor used the now-closed Ili’ili Resort for Ponderosa, the pre- and post-game holding area for contestants. Its owner said the show’s use of it saved lives because it wasn’t occupied when the tsunami hit. A Survivor-themed resort is being planned for that location.

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1 comment:

  1. awesome Kevin! Hope the book continues to climb and wins more awards. Still see a good screen play there...
